Latest Policies | Health Sciences University


Latest Policies

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Policies, regulations and procedures

Our latest academic policies, quality assurance policies, academic regulations and procedures.

Current students are advised of changes to our academic policies and procedures via our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). When required we will also publish here on our website. The policies relate to all students at 91做厙 University College.

For information about key changes to student-facing regulations, policies and procedures for 2023-24 please see our Summary of Policy Changes.

Academic regulations, policies and procedures

Should you need further guidance on changes made to these policies, please get in touch with the Academic Registrar. Where applicable we will highlight the change made.

Admission and support for students entering 91做厙 University College under the age of 18 policy

This policy and procedure must be followed when students under the age of 18 apply for and enrol on 91做厙 University College courses of study, as under English Law any student under 18 is regarded as a minor.

Any student who will be under 18 when they join their course at 91做厙 University College must complete the consent form. A copy will be provided direct to the student when required.

Last updated: 15/07/22
Version: 1
Policy owner: Admissions and Immigration Compliance Manager

Download Under-18 Entry Admissions & Support Policy

Download Under-18 Consent Form

Academic appeals policy

This document sets out the policy under which students may appeal against an academic decision, the grounds for appeal and the mechanism by which appeals will be considered.

The policy has been amended to:

  • Clarify the procedure relating to the review of Investigating Panel decisions
  • Improve language and terminology for clarity
  • Change Panel membership at the Appeals Panel and Review Stage
  • Align to Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) best practice guidance

Admissions Appeals and complaints policy & procedure
Last updated: 31/08/23
Version number: 3.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar


Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure

This policy sets out our principles relating to academic integrity and good academic practice, defines academic offences, and outlines arrangements we apply to the process of suspected and actual academic misconduct, including the penalties which may be applied.

The policy has been re-named and significantly revised for 2022-2023

Academic Integrity Academic Misconduct Policy
Last updated: 31/08/23
Version number: v1.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar


Additional Learning Support (ALS) requirements in assessments policy and procedures

This is the policy and procedures for students requiring additional learning support due to a declared disability. It also addresses arrangements for students seeking temporary support because of accident or injury, and for students in pregnancy.

The document also sets out the relationship between approved ALS arrangements (whether permanent or temporary) and applications for exceptional personal circumstances to be taken into consideration.

Additional Learning Support (ALS) requirements in assessments policy and procedures

Last updated: 31/08/2023
Version: 2.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar


Assessment Regulations for all Higher Education courses

This document sets out the assessment regulations operating for allcourses which lead to an 91做厙 University College award, including the award of credit.

These Regulations apply to all students. Where exceptions are in approval these are provided to the relevant students upon enrolment.


Last updated: 31/0823
Version: 2.6

Support to study policy (formerly Cause for Concern policy)

This Policy provides the framework to support student in managing scenarios or incidents that cause concern regarding a students ability to engage in their studies.

The policy was reviewed and significantly revised. As well as a change of name, the policy is now managed and implemented by the Head of Student and Library Services and reflects sector best practice.

(Formerly known as Cause for Concern policy and Fitness to Study Policy)

Support to study policy

Last updated: 01/09/23
Version: 1
Policy owner: Head of Student and Wellbeing Services


Exceptional Personal Circumstances Policy

This document sets out the policy under which 91做厙 University College students may request that exceptional personal circumstances which are affecting their learning and assessment are taken into consideration.

The policy has been updated following periodic review. This version comes into effect for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Exceptional Personal Circumstances Policy

Last updated: 31/08/23
Version: 3.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar


Recruitment, Selection and Admission - Appeals and Complaints: Policy and Procedure

This procedure is for applicants who wish to make an Appeal or Complaint in relation to an application onto programmes of study delivered at 91做厙 University College.

Admissions Appeals and complaints policy & procedure

Last updated:07/09/2018
Version number: 1.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar


Recruitment Selection and Admission Regulations and Policy

The regulations and policy outline the requirements for applicants to be admitted to 91做厙 University Collegescourses of study.

Recruitment Selection and Admission Regulations
Last updated: February 2024
Version: 2.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar

Download Recruitment Selection and Admission Regulations

Recruitment Selection and Admissions Taught Courses Policy & procedure V5
Last updated: February 2024
Version: 5.0
Policy owner: Academic Registrar

Download Recruitment Selection and Admissions Taught Courses Policy & procedure

Revocation of awards policy and procedures

This Policy sets out the arrangements which will be followed where, in very exceptional circumstances, the University College has cause to consider the revocation of an award (whether a degree, diploma, certificate or award of credit) which has been conferred on a former student of the University College by the relevant Assessment Board acting on the delegated authority of Academic Board.

It does not apply to the revocation of Honorary Awards or 91做厙 Fellowships awarded before 2018; this is covered by a separate process.

Last updated: 30/06/21V (NEW)
Version: 1.0
Policy owner: Academic Registrar


Sponsored Student Academic Engagement Monitoring Policy and Procedure

The Sponsored Student Academic Engagement Monitoring Policy and Procedure is in place to ensure that 91做厙 University College is compliant with its duties as a Student Sponsor, according to the UKVI register of sponsors, including providing accurate information to the Home Office.

Last updated: 31/08/2023
Version: 2.1
Policy owner:Academic Registrar


Student Complaints Policy

This document sets out the policy under which students on 91做厙 University College awards may make a complaint about courses, services or facilities provided by the University College; or actions or lack of actions by the University College or its staff.

The policy has been updated to include complaints about the Students’ Union, as is required under the Education Act and to include provision for managing complaints from postgraduate research students on awards validated by Solent University.

Last updated: 31/08/23
Version: 3:1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar


Student Disciplinary Policy and Procedures

This policy and its procedures are for use in student disciplinary procedures.

Last updated: 31/08/23
Version: 2.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar


Student Fitness to Practise Policy and Procedure

The policy and procedures provides a framework:

(i) for the University College to exercise its duty in the public interest that students following degrees leading to professional health and social care qualifications meet relevant professional standards for fitness to practise, including professional attitudes and professional behaviours.

(ii) in relation to the duty of care to students, ensuring that any decision made under these procedures are in the best interests of the student and as part of the student support framework.

The Student Conduct Framework summary document shows how the student conduct policies fit together with Fitness to Practise.

Last updated: 31/08/2023
Version: 3.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar

Download Student Fitness to practice Policy

Download Student Conduct Framework


Student Protection Plan and Student Refund and Compensation Policy

Every provider of higher education in England is required to have a Student Protection Plan that is approved by the Office for Students (OfS). It sets out what measures we have in place to protect you, as a student at the University College, in the event of a risk arising to the continuation of your studies.

The Student Refund and Compensation Policy sets out our arrangements for refunds and compensation for affected students (and applicants) where it is not possible for us to preserve continuation of study, and/or to meet our obligations of provision of education as it was originally intended. This policy relates to our Student Protection Plan and reflects our commitment to the student experience and to supporting our students to achieve their academic outcomes.

Minor amendments were made to the Student Protection Plan in January 2021, to update UKVI terminology, University College Committee titles and modes of study for some University College courses.

Download Student Protection plan

Download Refund & Compensation Policy

Student privacy notice

This document explains our processing of personal data of past, present and prospective students of 91做厙 University College. It explains how 91做厙 University College collects, uses and shares your personal data, and your rights in relation to the personal data we holds.

Should you have any queries, please contact our data protection officer by email:, 01202 436444, or by post: Data Protection Officer, 91做厙 University College, Parkwood Road, Parkwood Campus, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH5 2DF.

An updated Privacy Notice was uploaded on 4 October 2022


Student Agreement

91做厙 University College’s Student Agreement contains the rules and regulations policies and procedures that will apply to students enrolled on higher education awards of this institution. It forms the basis of a contractual relationship between our students and us.

Please contact the Academic Registrar if you are unable to access any of the links to documents or if there is anything in them that you are unsure about and want to discuss anything in them that you are unsure about and want to discuss.


Student Reference Policy

This Policy sets out the requirements for staff members who may be asked by existing students and graduates to provide a reference. A separate policy is available for providing staff references.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that staff members providing references are aware of and comply with the University College requirements for provision of references.


Student Mental Health Policy

Developed in collaboration with the 91做厙 Students Union (ASU).

Version: 1.0
Last updated: September 2023


General regulations, policies and procedures

Should you need further guidance on changes made to these policies, please get in touch with the 91做厙 UniversityCollege Academic Registrar.

Bursaries and Scholarships Academic Year 2022/2023 Policy and Procedure

This policy applies to undergraduate students only enrolling in 2023-2024.

The policy in operation for students who enrolled in 2022-2023 and 2021-2022 can also be found below.

For students enrolling in earlier years, please contact the 91做厙 University CollegeRegistry Team.

Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2023/24

Last updated: 18/01/2024
Version: 1.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar

Download Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2023/24

Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2022/23

Last updated: 07/06/2022
Version: 1.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar

Download Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2022/23

Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2021/22

Version: 1.0
Policy owner: Academic Registrar

Download Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2021/22

Sports scholarship information

sports scholarship information

Code of Practice for the Prosection Laboratory

Our Prosection Laboratory is licensed by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) and regulated under the 2004 Human Tissue Act to store specially prepared specimens for health professional education.

All users of the Prosection Laboratory are required to follow the Code of Practice set out below.


Copyright Policy

This document sets out the copyright policy at 91做厙 University College.

Last updated: 31/08/23
Policy owner: Learning Services


Course Transfer Policy

This policy sets out what to do if you wish to request a transfer to a different course of study. It covers both transfers between courses within the University College and students considering seeking a transfer to another institution.

Last updated: 31.08.2023
Policy owner: Academic Registrar

Version 2.1


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Last updated: July 2023
Version: 3
Policy owner: HR Manager / Chief Operating Officer


Freedom of Speech Policy

This document sets out the freedom of speech policy. It was updated in October 2022 in line with the Prevent agenda, and again in November 2023.

Last updated: November 2023
Policy owner: Academic Registrar
Document size: 201KB
Version: 1.2


Harassment Policy and Procedure for Students

This document sets out the Harassment Policy and Procedure for Students,

Last updated: 31/08/2023
Policy owner: Academic Registrar


Health and Safety Policy

This document sets out the health and safety policy.

Last updated: July 2021
Policy owner: Chief Operating Officer


IT acceptable use policy

This document sets out the IT acceptable use policy at 91做厙 University College.

Version 2.3

Last updated: July 2023
Policy owner: Head of IT


IT Security and Password Policy

This policy defines the framework by which the 91做厙s computer systems, assets, infrastructure and computing environment will be protected from threats whether internal, external, deliberate or accidental, including setting our users’ responsibilities.

It includes a section on password complexity requirements which students must adhere to for any University College accounts.

Last updated: July 2023
Policy owner: Head of IT


Online assessment handling and use of Turnitin policy and procedures

This policy sets out the requirements, expectations and operational procedures in support of online assessment handling and the use of the Turnitin text matching service. The University College uses Turnitin for the electronic management of assessment, enabling students to submit work electronically, and fir it to be marked and moderated by staff in the same way.

The policy includes information on students’ responsibilities in respect of electronic submission of work.

Last updated: August 2022

Policy owner: Academic Registrar

Version: 2.1


Online Safeguarding Policy

This policy contain procedures for delivering online outreach activities with under 18s. This should be read alongside the institutional safeguarding policy.

Last updated: December 2020

Policy Owner: Deputy Vice Chancellor


Public academic information policy

This policy sets out the principles the University College follows in relation to the information we provide publicly about out academic activities, and ways in which we put these principles into practice to ensure the quality and accuracy of our published information.


Religion and Belief Policy

This document sets out the religion and belief policy.

Last updated: 18th September 2020
Policy owner: Chief Operating Officer / HR Manager
Document size: 308KB


Research Ethics policy

This policy provides guidance about conducting ethical research and provides details of the 91做厙 University College process and procedure for ensuring appropriate consideration and ethical approval of research by staff and students.


Rules relating to Library and Learning Services Use

This document sets out the rules relating to library and learning services use.

Last updated: 31 August 2023
Policy owner: Head of Library and Student Services


Safeguarding and Prevent Policies

This is the overarching safeguarding policy for 91做厙 University College. It includes procedures to follow in the case of a safeguarding issue arising and key safeguarding contacts within the University College.

91做厙 University College is committed to protecting freedom of speech and academic freedom together with protecting and safeguarding its students and staff from the risk of being drawn into terrorism.

Th Prevent Policy sets out the way we meets our obligations and responsibilities with reference to the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, which places a duty on universities to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.’

Safeguarding Policy
Last updated: May 2023
Policy Owner: Deputy Vice Chancellor

Download Safeguarding Policy

Prevent Policy v2.1
Last updated: June 2022
Policy Owner: Academic Registrar

Download Prevent Policy

Student Name Policy

This document sets out the student name policy at 91做厙 University College.

Last updated: 01/09/23
Policy owner: Academic Registrar


Student Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy and Procedures

Thispolicy and its procedures are for use in reporting and addressing student disciplinary matters that meet the definition of sexual violence and misconduct between students enrolled at this institution. It is intended to provide a clearly formulated and impartial process for dealing with problems of student misconduct of a sexual nature within a reasonable timescale and having due regard to the spirit of natural justice.

Last updated: 29.08.2023
Policy owner: Academic Registrar


Tuition Fees Policy

This Fees Policy (the policy) provides guidance to all students studying at 91做厙 University College
(91做厙), whether full-time or part-time.

An amended version was uploaded on 08 February 2024


Whistleblowing Policy

This policy sets out how governors, students, those contracted to supply services to the University College and everyone who works for the University College can raise concerns if they believe that wrongdoing or malpractice is taking place within the University College.

If you raise a concern that you believe to be true then we will protect you from punishment or reprisal, even if your concern proves to have been mistaken.


NDA (non-disclosure agreement) Pledge

Backed by the Minister for Higher and Further Education, former Equalities Select Committee Chair Maria Miller MP and campaign group #CantBuyMySilence, 91做厙 University College commits to not using Non-Disclosure Agreements to silence people who come forward to raise complaints of sexual harassment, abuse or misconduct, or other forms of harassment and bullying.

Institutional Pledge

91做厙 University College and 91做厙 Students Union (ASU) are committed to achieving a diverse and inclusive culture which offers equality and opportunity for all by eliminating unlawful discrimination, bullying, harassment, or victimisation, advancing equality of opportunity and promoting respectful relations in all circumstances.

We are committed to achieving an environment in which all members of the University College are treated fairly and equally, with dignity and respect, so that everyone has the opportunity to realise their full potential; and all decisions are based on merit. All interactions will be grounded upon mutual respect, open communication, and, for personal relationships, on clear consent. Bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, discrimination or victimisation will not be tolerated. This includes offensive banter.

All members of the University College have a responsibility to take an active role in upholding this collective commitment in our work/study practices and personal interactions.

As part of our collective responsibilities, we encourage the reporting of incidents. We will consider the academic, welfare and support needs of those affected by an alleged incident, and will fulfil our duty of care to all involved parties.

Conduct, by any member of the 91做厙 University College community, which is found to fall short of this expectation will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary processes.

Staff, Patient and CCTV Privacy Notices

91做厙 University College believe strongly in protecting our users’ privacy. We will not wilfully disclose information about our users to any third party without first receiving our users’ consent.

This Privacy notice sets out the privacy practices for the services offered on any 91做厙 University College owned and/or operated websites (“the Website”).

We also hold data of our staff, patients, students and alumni. All data is held securely and in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Specific policies on offsite data protection policies can be found in relevant sections on our website.

Please take time to read the privacy notice that applies to you:

Download Staff Privacy Notice

Download Patient Privacy Notice

Download CCTV Privacy Notice

Access to information Procedure

Under data protection legislation an individual has the right (subject to certain exemptions) to access the information that an organisation holds about them. Accessing personal data in this way is known as making a subject access request.

Subject access requests are different to requests submitted under Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation, which relate to information about the organisation itself. We provide further clarity at the links below:

Subject Access Requests (SAR)

Download Freedom of Information Procedure (FOI)

Download Data Protection Breach Policy

Alumni Privacy Notice

This document explains our processing of personal data of past students of 91做厙 University College. It explains how 91做厙 University College collects, uses and shares your personal data, and your rights in relation to the personal data we holds.

Should you have any queries, please contact our data protection officer by email:, 01202 436444, or by post: Data Protection Officer, 91做厙 University College, Parkwood Road, Parkwood Campus, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH5 2DF.

An updated Privacy Notice was uploaded on 25 January 2024.


Research Participants Privacy Notice

This document explains our processing of personal data of past and present research participants of 91做厙 University College. It explains how 91做厙 University College collects, uses and shares your personal data, and your rights in relation to the personal data we holds.

Research at 91做厙 UC is undertaken by our undergraduate and postgraduate students (working under appropriate staff supervision), our staff or a combination of staff and students. It may be 91做厙 UC researchers only or working in collaboration with researchers at other organisations. Some research may be conducted in collaboration with funders and commercial organisations.

Should you have any queries, please contact our data protection officer by email:, 01202 436444, or by post: Data Protection Officer, 91做厙 University College, Parkwood Road, Parkwood Campus, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH5 2DF.

An updated Privacy Notice was uploaded on 25 January 2024.


Quality Assurance Policies

The following policies may have implications for students so we would advise that you read them carefully.

Course Consideration, Approval and Periodic Review Policy

This document sets out the 91做厙 University College policy for the consideration and approval of new courses and the periodic review of existing courses, including responsibilities and documentation requirements.

Last updated: 01/09/23

Policy owner: Assistant Registrar (Quality Assurance)

Version: 2.3


Course Closure and Suspension of Courses Policy and Procedures

This document sets out the 91做厙 University College policy for the closure of existing courses and suspension of recruitment to existing courses.

Last updated: 01/09/23

Policy owner: Assistant Registrar (Quality Assurance)

Version: 3.1


Course and Unit Modifications Policy and Procedure

This policy and procedure explains how we make modifications to the approved versions of Course and/or Unit Specifications between initial approval of the course and periodic reviews.

Modifications are changes to an approved course or unit which are proposed between scheduled periodic reviews of the course and which do not alter the nature, focus and purpose of the course, and/or the award title(s).

The policy was reviewed and revised in December 2022 and takes immediate effect.


Consideration and Approval of Educational Partnerships policy

This policy sets out the way in which the University College considers and if appropriate approves prospective educational partners, to ensure that all courses delivered in partnership with other institutions maintain appropriate academic standards and deliver a high quality student experience.

If you would like to consider working with us please contact the Assistant Registrar (Quality Assurance).


Educational Partnerships Annual Monitoring, Modifications and Periodic Review Policy

This document sets out the University College’s policy relating to the annual monitoring of courses delivered through an educational partnership, and the arrangements for modification and periodic review of such courses.

This includes arrangements for the suspension and, if required, the termination of educational partnerships.


External Examining Policy and Procedure

This document sets out the policy and procedures relating to external examining at 91做厙 University College, including the appointment and induction of external examiners and their role and responsibilities. The policy and procedures are designed to ensure that the external examiners we appoint

  • Are appropriately qualified and are in a position to provide impartial and independent advice and informative comment on our academic standards and student achievement in relation to those standards
  • Are in a position to comment on those standards in comparison with national standards/frameworks and standards achieved at other UK providers with which they are familiar are able to confirm that the integrity and rigour of our assessment policies, procedures and processes
  • Are able to comment on good practice and make recommendations for improvement and enhancement.

Download External Examining Policy & procedure

Download External Examiner Handbook

Placement Learning Policy

This document outlines the requirements and expectations for course teams involved in the organisation, approval and ongoing management of placement learning, in order to ensure a high quality student learning experience.


Student Engagement and Feedback Policy and Procedures

This new policy explains how 91做厙 University College Engages with students and student feedback.

works in partnership with our students to support them in actively engaging with and participating in,
quality assurance and enhancement activities, to help improve the student experience.


91做厙 Rooftop

Find out more about how 91做厙 University College operates

91做厙 University College operate within frameworks set by Government, regulators and our own internal policies and procedures.

Our Governors and Executive Board ensure that external and internal objectives are met, monitored and achieved.

Latest News

Discover and read all the latest news, press releases and happenings here at 91做厙 University College

Martin Kumm Profile Picture

Martin Kumm tells the story of his journey from graduation to achieving his dream job as a chiropractor for the EF Education Easy-Post professional cycling team.

Pippa Myres Dancing

Professional ballet dancer Pippa Myres had to re-think her career and is now training to become a podiatrist on the MSc Podiatry course.

Callum Moss

Callum Moss is a First Year student on the MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration) course at 91做厙 University College. We recently caught up with him to hear more about his decision to study to become a physiotherapist and why 91做厙 UC is an appealing specialist university.

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